Join The PDO Academy
Learn Autodesk Fusion (Fusion 360) and start creating your own designs.

Learn Autodesk Fusion (Fusion 360) and start creating your own designs.
A completely revised and updated version of the popular 2019 course.
Welcome to the course!
Navigating the User Interface
Day 1 - Toy Block
Day 2 - Glass Soda Bottle
Day 3 - Paperclip
Day 4 - Complex Glass Bottle
Day 5 - Ice Cube Tray
Day 6 - Hex Nut
Day 7 - Bike Handlebar Grip
Day 8 - Rubber Doorstop
Day 9 - Light Bulb
Day 10 - Phone Case
Day 11 - Dog Bowl
Day 12 - Auger
Day 13 - Components and Assemblies
Day 14 - Flathead Screwdriver
Day 15 - Painter's Tripod
Day 16 - How and Why to Fully Define Sketches
Day 17 - All 12 Sketch Constraints Explained
Day 18 - Convert STL to Solid
Day 19 - Parametric Box
Day 20 - 3D Printable Hinges
Day 21 - One-Part Mold
Day 22 - Two-Part Mold
Day 23 - Assemblies with As-Built Joints
Day 24 - Intro to Sheet Metal
Day 25 - Surface Model a Propeller
All tutorials in this Masterclass are recorded with Fusion 360's latest user interface.